Article support and counselling 4
Series: Support and counselling options

How gambling SMS support can help

2 min read

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Do you want help to stay motivated?

Gambling Help Online offers a free program to receive daily SMS messages to help motivate and inspire you to stay on track.

Does your family member or friend want help to stay motivated?

Gambling Help Online offers a free program to receive daily SMS messages to help motivate and inspire people to stay on track.

Does someone want help to stay motivated?

Gambling Help Online offers a free program to receive daily SMS messages to help motivate and inspire people to stay on track.

This program is for people affected by their own gambling. The messages are written by people who understand how hard it can be to struggle with gambling every day. They come from an automated system that is completely confidential. This service is only available in English.

Each program runs for 28 days. At the end of the 28 days, people can either sign up for another 28 days or unsubscribe.

You can choose when we send these motivating messages – in the morning, afternoon, or both. Once signed up, you'll start receiving messages from the next scheduled time. Morning messages go out at about 10 am, and afternoon messages at about 4 pm.

Many people have found this service has offered extra support when making changes to their gambling and tell us that they find the messages helpful.

“Having a message sent to me every day feels personal. I really like it and look forward to it every morning. I don’t feel so alone!” - Anonymous

People can opt-out from this service at any time, after which they’ll stop receiving messages immediately. To opt-out, just respond to the text message with the unsubscribe text we provide. People who need additional assistance unsubscribing can contact us.

We don’t receive any replies that are sent except for requests to unsubscribe. People can send feedback on the service by contacting us.

It’s easy to sign up for the messages. All you need to do is to select when you would prefer to receive them and enter your mobile phone number.


Not sure this is the right type of support?

There are many ways to get help. Everyone’s different, so it’s really important for each person to find the right support for them. Different approaches may work better for different people. We’re here to help people choose the type of support that suits them best.

Take a look at the other types of support and counselling that are available:

To learn more about how support and counselling can help people who are struggling with their gambling, see our information on Seeking Support.

Do you want more help?

To learn more about how support or counselling can help, you can start an online chat with us or call the Gambling Helpline on 1800 858 858 – free, confidential, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These services are available to support anyone affected by gambling harm, including family members or friends.

Do you want more help?

To learn more about how support or counselling can help, you or your family member or friend can start an online chat with us or call the Gambling Helpline on 1800 858 858 – free, confidential, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

These services are available to support anyone affected by gambling harm, including family members or friends like you. It’s not only the person who gambles that can be affected, but the people close to them too. It’s important to take care of yourself when you’re supporting someone else. Check out the family and friends section in our peer support community to connect with people who understand.

Do you want more help?

To learn more about gambling, you or the person you’re working with can start an online chat with us or call the Gambling Helpline on 1800 858 858 – free, confidential, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

These services are available to support anyone affected by gambling harm, including family members, friends, and professionals like you. It can be hard for professionals to support people with gambling issues. To learn more about how you can help, go to our section on How Professionals Can Help.

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