Tasmania – Gamblers Help
Free and confidential gambling counselling is available in Tasmania to anyone impacted by gambling harm.
Help in languages other than English
Support is available for culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
What kind of support are you looking for?
Anglicare Tasmania provides a range of in-person free services for people affected by gambling including:
- Professional, confidential counselling for people who have a gambling issue
- Counselling including facilitated support groups for people with a gambling issue and their family and friends
- Financial counselling to help people with gambling-related money problems
- Arranging a self-exclusion
Gambling services in Tasmania
Gamblers Help counselling services are available in:
- Burnie
- Devonport
- Launceston
- Glenorchy
- Sorrell
Outreach services may also be available outside city locations.
Contact Anglicare Tasmania on 1800 243 232.
Gambler Helpline Tasmania offers phone-based counselling as well as referral to in-person counselling services. Calls to the Helpline are free from landlines and won't be listed on your phone bill (though may be listed on mobile bills). Anybody affected by gambling, including the gambling of others, can call Gambling Helpline Tasmania, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Self-exclusion protects people from gambling harm by restricting their access to gambling activities or venues.
Venue-based exclusions allow people to be excluded from one or more gambling venues. This is organised through a Gamblers Help counsellor. Contact Anglicare on 1800 243 232.
Online-based exclusions allow people to be excluded from a specific gambling company’s online betting service. This can normally be done through the app or website settings. Anglicare can also assist with this process.
Find out more about exclusions
BetStop – the National Self-Exclusion Register™
BetStop – the National Self-Exclusion Register is a free national service to exclude yourself from all Australian-licensed online and phone wagering services in a single step. Find out more about BetStop - the National Self-Exclusion Register or contact Gambler's Help Tasmania if you’d like our assistance to register.
Anglicare Tasmania provides free, independent, non-judgemental counselling.
Financial Counselling can assist with:
- budgeting
- managing debt
- consumer credit law
- debt enforcement practice
- bankruptcy
- industry hardship policies
- government concessions.
Counsellors can also refer you to other useful services.
Call the national helpline on 1800 007 007 and you will be transferred to a Financial Counsellor in Tasmania.
Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) is a group program offering a supportive environment for people to achieve their goals to change problem behaviours related to gambling.
Anglicare Tasmania hosts free, face-to-face SMART recovery group meetings weekly in Launceston, Hobart and Glenorchy. Online meetings are also available.
Register for a SMART Recovery Group by visiting Anglicare Tasmania or find out more about these sessions by calling on 1800 243 232 or via email at [email protected].
SMART Recovery | Anglicare Tasmania
Family and Friends
SMART Recovery group sessions designed to support friends or family members impacted by the gambling of others are also available.
Legal support is available through Legal Aid for Tasmanians.