Find out how to stick to your goals and maintain change.
People experiencing gambling harm often find that many of their social contacts and activities involve gambling. One of the most important aspects of maintaining change is finding ways to spend the time they used to spend on gambling. It helps to fill the void as you replace gambling with new activities and can also help with any urges or cravings that will come their way.
People experiencing gambling harm often find that many of their social contacts and activities involve gambling. One of the most important aspects of maintaining change is finding ways to spend the time they used to spend on gambling. It helps to fill the void as they replace gambling with new activities and can also help with any urges or cravings that will come their way.
Resources to help maintain change.
Series: Managing lapses and relapse
Understanding lapses and relapse
5 min read -
Series: Managing lapses and relapse
Bouncing back after a lapse
7 min read -
Understanding urges
6 min read -
Series: Overcoming challenges
Resolving financial challenges
3 min read -
Series: Overcoming challenges
Resolving legal challenges
Series: Overcoming challenges
Rebuilding relationships
4 min read -
How Josh* moved on from relapse
4 min read -
The hardest step: Lucas’ thoughts on seeking help and recovery from gambling
10 min read