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Article support and counselling 1
Series: Support and counselling options

How financial counselling can help

4 min read

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Are you thinking about financial counselling?

If you’re struggling with your gambling, you may also be having a difficult time financially. If you want to discuss options for overcoming financial difficulties and money worries caused by your gambling, seeing a financial counsellor can help. A financial counsellor can provide you with advice to help you get your finances back on track. Financial counselling is available to support anyone affected by their own or someone else’s gambling.

Are you or your family member or friend thinking about financial counselling?

If your family member or friend is struggling with their gambling, they may also be having a difficult time financially. If they want to discuss options for overcoming financial difficulties and money worries caused by their gambling, seeing a financial counsellor can help. A financial counsellor can provide them with advice to help them get their finances back on track.

Financial counselling is available to support anyone affected by gambling, including family members or friends like you. It can help you to support someone with their gambling recovery, but it can also provide financial advice for you during this challenging time.

Is someone thinking about financial counselling?

If someone is struggling with their gambling, they may also be having a difficult time financially. If the person you’re working with wants to discuss options for overcoming financial difficulties and money worries caused by their gambling, a referral to a financial counsellor can help. A financial counsellor can provide them with advice to help them get their finances back on track.

Financial counselling is available to support anyone affected by their own or someone else’s gambling, including professionals like you. It’s also available for family members and friends who have been affected by someone else’s gambling. Financial counsellors can help family members or friends to support someone with their gambling recovery, but it can also provide them with financial advice during this challenging time.

Financial counselling is a free and confidential service that can help anyone affected by gambling, including friends and family members. Financial counsellors can talk to people about their financial issues face-to-face, over the phone, or via teleconference. Gambling financial counsellors are experienced in debt, bankruptcy and personal finance. They understand the financial issues people might face and can help them improve their situation.

Financial counselling can help with:

  • money problems caused by gambling
  • trouble paying bills and debt
  • concerns about the safety of assets, such as cars or houses
  • contact from debt collectors
  • eviction
  • tax debt
  • utility disconnection
  • default notices

Financial counsellors don’t just provide information and support related to financial matters. They can also act as people’s advocates when dealing with banks, government agencies, and other financial services. Financial counsellors are skilled professionals who can help people:

  • assess their financial situation
  • understand their options
  • develop a money management plan
  • meet their financial goals
  • assess, consolidate and manage debt
  • develop a budget for the future
  • deal with banks and credit providers on their behalf
  • negotiate with gas, electricity, telephone and other providers about workable repayment arrangements
  • check if they’re eligible for government support
  • apply for hardship variations on existing loans
  • with decisions about bankruptcy or accessing their super early
  • find organisations that provide legal services, emergency relief and fine relief
  • assess and help them access concessions (like the cost of living concession), entitlements (like no-interest loans) and complaint and resolution options (like ombudspersons and internal dispute resolutions)

Having a plan to manage finances, with the support of a financial counsellor, can be a great relief. Research shows that most people who see a gambling financial counsellor report they have benefited from the experience.

“I had a great financial counsellor Pam, who took me through what was coming in each week and what I was spending. She helped me to budget for holiday season so my kids did not miss out. Taking away the financial stress meant that I had one less reason to gamble. It was great talking to someone to help me make rational decisions about what I could afford.” - Rachel

People who are feeling stressed about their finances can start an online chat with us or call the Gambling Helpline on 1800 858 858. They’ll speak confidentially with a trained counsellor who can refer them to see a financial counsellor. Collecting any documents they have about their financial situation ahead of their appointment with a financial counsellor, such as bills, bank statements, contracts, or letters, can make things easier.

For help in another language, call the Gambling Helpline on 1800 858 858, and a counsellor can organise an interpreter for you. Alternatively, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450, and they can arrange a translation service for you. See Gambling in Culturally Diverse Communities for more information.

People with a hearing or speech impairment can contact the Gambling Helpline through the National Relay Service.

A free National Debt Helpline is available on 1800 007 007 and operates from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.

Not sure this is the right type of support?

There are many ways to get help. Everyone’s different, so it’s really important for each person to find the right support for them. Different approaches may work better for different people. We’re here to help people choose the type of support that suits them best.

Take a look at the other types of support and counselling that are available:

To learn more about how support and counselling can help people who are struggling with their gambling, see our information on Seeking Support.

Do you want more help?

To learn more about how support or counselling can help, you or your family member or friend can start an online chat with us or call the Gambling Helpline on 1800 858 858 – free, confidential, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

These services are available to support anyone affected by gambling harm, including family members or friends like you. It’s not only the person who gambles that can be affected, but the people close to them too. It’s important to take care of yourself when you’re supporting someone else. Check out the family and friends section in our peer support community to connect with people who understand.

Do you want more help?

To learn more about gambling, you or the person you’re working with can start an online chat with us or call the Gambling Helpline on 1800 858 858 – free, confidential, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

These services are available to support anyone affected by gambling harm, including family members, friends, and professionals like you. It can be hard for professionals to support people with gambling issues. To learn more about how you can help, go to our section on How Professionals Can Help.

Do you want more help?

To learn more about how support or counselling can help, you can start an online chat with us or call the Gambling Helpline on 1800 858 858 – free, confidential, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These services are available to support anyone affected by gambling harm, including family members or friends.

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